
Amir Reza Koohestani / Mehr Theatre Group


Amir Reza Koohestani / Mehr Theatre Group

Three people: a painter, a school supervisor, a young mother. A school yard. A merry-go-round. Nine months, three seasons, no summer. The work of the Iranian author and director Amir Reza Koohestani, a regular guest at Mousonturm, has enriched and delighted the international theatre scene for more than 20 years with rare subtlety and precision. His plays carefully reveal stories of men, women and, this time, children in contemporary Iranian society, narrating between the lines in minimalist style and with the power of silence and dramaturgical refinement. A true master of what is left unsaid, Koohestani – with the support of the multimedia and realistic stage design by visual artist Shahryar Hatami and the extraordinary actors – bestows this gripping everyday-drama at a Teheran primary school for girls with a truly universalist dimension.


Premiere in the German-speaking area / Mousonturm-Co-production / In Farsi with German surtitles / Text & Regie: Amir Reza Koohestani / Mit: Mona Ahmadi, Saeid Changizian & Leyli Rashidi