NODE × MUTEK – Screenings with zur.glub and GGROUNDD

(c) Myriam Menard

NODE × MUTEK – Screenings with zur.glub and GGROUNDD

zur.glub - Red Shift
zur.glub is an audiovisual performance project. We are frankensteining realtime 3d visuals with improvised electronic music, using images to generate sound and sounds to control images.

Sound Source: Thomas Turine
A/V Mixer: yac
Visual Source: Frankie Zafe

Under the name GGROUNDD, the duo premiered LIMIT BRICK during MUTEK Montréal, a live audiovisual performance inspired by the notion of limits. The music evolves throughout based on algorithmic processes and features both passages that are rhythmic and dense, and stripped down and melodic. Meanwhile, abstract visuals juxtapose natural environments with futuristic architecture.

Line Katcho is a Montréal composer and audiovisual artist who distinguishes herself by her experimental approach and affinity for perceptual playfulness. With meticulous attention to detail, she hybridizes styles and applied tech methods to craft prismatic, enveloping electroacoustic-techno compositions and visual landscapes. She has performed at MUTEK in Argentina, Barcelona, Montréal, Mexico, and Japan, as well as at Scopitone, Intonal, Sonica, Currents New Media, and Elektra.

Guillaume Cliche has collaborated with a variety of performance groups, including Spirit Duplicata, Les étrangers de l’intérieur, and L’entre-rien. He is a founding member of experimental music group Paysage Primitif, and has released music in a duo with Érick D'Orion, as well as part of Transparente with Nathalie Gélinas. He continues to experiment with new ways of presenting sonic works in the context of live concerts and his pieces have been featured at festivals in Canada and Germany. Cliche is also interested in real-time and algorithmic composition.

The NODE x MUTEK program track features a series of AV performance screenings representing our creative communities, artists from Québec, Canada and all over the world. With this kick-off program, MUTEK and NODE will start an ongoing collaboration between the festivals, connecting their respective communities as well as Frankfurt and Montréal.

All Information on the NODE website


This session will be streamed publicly for free. Please get a festival pass if you’d like to ask questions, chat with the speakers, and participate in the workshop program. By purchasing a festival pass you also help sustain this festival.
Language: English

Beteiligte und Förderer

The NODE x MUTEK program is part of the culture program related to Canada’s Guest of Honour presentation at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2021 and is supported by Canada Council for the Arts and the Government of Canada.