Duet #6: Full Body Frontal

Fabrice Mazliah

Duet #6: Full Body Frontal

Fabrice Mazliah

Claire Vivianne Sobottke & Dolores

Over the past two years, Frankfurt choreographer Fabrice Mazliah and his colleague Marialena Marouda have invited fellow performing artists to enter into dialogue with a handmade object of their choice. In the 6th duet of the series, dancer and choreographer Claire Vivianne-Sobottke chose to work with Dolores, a sex doll who shares her approximate weight and height. Claire acquired Dolores some years ago and has been collaborating with her ever since, in her own work.

As with previous duets, Duet #6 is a detailed relational study between one human performer and one object. This initial relation between Claire and Dolores, however, led us to a multiplication of bodies and objects. Dolores already being an objectified, sexually exploitable “double” of Claire’s female-identifying body, we thus continued replicating, focusing on female representations in anatomy and the history of art. In the course of the duet, we therefore explore how socially and politically imposed ideas of the female body define what we perceive it to be -and to be capable of- also physically. The act of multiplying those representations is our tool for imagining a shameless and shapeless body, in charge of its own representations.

Duet #6 aspires to form an alliance between Claire and Dolores as a way out of abuse and objectification through a playful sexuality, sensuality, ecology and collectivity. In the process, the female voice increasingly emerges as an urgent, eloquent and forceful physical presence.


Duration: 90 Min.
Language: English
Please note: The piece includes references to sexual violence.
Location: Kunstverein Familie Montez, Honsellstraße 7, 60314 Frankfurt

Sponsors and Supporters

Konzept: Fabrice Mazliah
Choreografie: Fabrice Mazliah, Claire Vivianne Sobottke und Marialena Marouda
Performance: Claire Vivianne Sobottke & Dolores
Composition for voice inspired by Monique Wittig “The lesbian body”: Claire Vivianne Sobottke
Dramaturgie: Marialena Marouda
Licht-Design und technische Leitung: Matthias Rieker
Beratung und Bühnentechnik: Sebastian Schackert
Guss Körperteile: Samantha Lasko
Produktionsleitung: Johanna Milz

Produktion: Fabrice Mazliah / Work of Act

Ko-Produktion: Künstlerhaus Mousonturm und Kunstverein Familie Montez

Unterstützt durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz.

Gefördert vom Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst und dem Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt.