CREDIT. On the Expectability of Future Presences

Hannes Seidl

CREDIT. On the Expectability of Future Presences

Hannes Seidl

Economies of action? The first thing that comes to mind, not only from a Frankfurt perspective, is the global financial crisis with its banks and managers. CREDIT is therefore Frankfurt composer Hannes Seidl’s and Berlin experimental filmmaker Daniel Kötter’s a musical-theatrical declaration of their faith in the improbable: a silent film oratorio, a banker documentary fiction in a film setting that straddles TV reportage and Hollywood. For CREDIT, Kötter and Seidl accompanied with the camera representatives of the trade at work in Frankfurt, but also in their free time and among their friends. They then used this material to produce a film, but consciously deleted the soundtrack, in order to redub it live on stage night after night. Three foley artists make air conditioners hum, steps echo or computer keyboards clatter on stage. Two voice-over artists lend their voices to all the figures in the film. And while the sounds in the background shift from delicate to proper crash-bang textures of noise, the Deutsche Bundesbank choir sing credos, hymns and battle songs.

Concept, Direction, Video, Music: Daniel Kötter, Hannes Seidl * Scenography, Assistance: Rahel Kesselring * Dramaturgy: Gerda Strobl * Music, Sound: Sebastian Berweck, Andrea Neumann, Peter Sandman * With Ascan Iredi, Florian Witt, Michael Zapf as well as Franziska Beuchel, Dietmar Steinert, Andreas Thiele and others * Deutsche Bundesbank Choir, Director: Stephanie Muhl * Speakers: Nicole Horny André Schmidt * Production Management: ehrliche arbeit – freelance office for culture * Production: Kötter/Seidl * Co-produced by Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, steirischer herbst * Funded by the City of Frankfurt - Department for Culture and Science.