Yasmeen Godder Company

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Yasmeen Godder Company

The pieces of Yasmeen Godder, one of the most important Israeli choreographers, fascinate with their direct and intense corporeality. They explore theatre as a space for experimenting with emotions and as a place of togetherness. As part of the Hollins University’s summer program, Godder presents her newest piece. “SIMPLE ACTION” lives up to the promise of its title: A simple plot opening up infinite possibilities of empathy and engagement. The interactive performance centres on an iconic image of human history, which condenses into catching an enervated body, lying down and confiding. Taking, giving, holding, letting go, the audience acquires intimacy with itself in a single sequence of movements, as individuals and as a group, whilst simultaneously asking for empathy, understanding, identification and the momentary experience.

AGE 18+!

No language skills required / Choreografie: Yasmeen Godder / Künstlerische Ko-Leitung: Itzik Giuli / Performance: Tal Adler-Arieli, Matan Daskal, Shuli Enosh, Dor Frank, Ayala Frenkel, Uri Shafir, Ari Teperberg, Edu Turull Montelles, Ofir Yudilevitch / Raum-, Kostümdesign: Gili Avissar / Komposition, Gesang, Musik: Tomer Damsky / Licht: Omer Sheizaf / Eine Produktion von Yasmeen Godder sowie The Jack, Joseph & Morton Mandel Cultural Center, unter der Leitung von Ingi Rubin im Rahmen des Opera & Dance Programms. „Stabat Mater“ wurde vom B-Motion Festival 2016 in Auftrag gegeben / Das Gastspiel findet im Rahmen des Sommerprogramms der Hollins University statt. Ermöglicht durch die Hollins University in Kooperation mit dem Studiengang MACoDE der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt, der Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company und dem Frankfurt LAB.