
Sebastian Matthias

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Sebastian Matthias

Thielman Susato’s Musyck Boexken Danserye would have served as an excellent playlist for social events around the year 1551. In it, Renaissance musician Susato assembled the most popular solo, couple and group dances of his time. Participating in music-dance festivities meant directly experiencing the rise of a new art form: the birth of dance. Here the boundaries between dance and music are still as open and permeable as those between dancer and spectator. Everything is interwoven, mutually embracing and reciprocally generating one another. Dansereye is the reinvention of such a music-dance festivity. Choreographer Sebastian Matthias and composer Michael Wolters let themselves be inspired and guided by their comprehensive artistic experience in contemporary dance and music. Surrounded by the audience, the dance ensemble and the band together reanimate the historical text and sound material. Dancers, musicians and spectators constantly remain in motion and reencounter one another in every new and changing positions and shifting invitations to the dance. In 2014, Sebastian Matthias was invited to the German Dance Platform for the second time with Dansereye. His complex movement language and the simultaneously ensuing intense experience that it produces makes him on the most important young choreographers today.
Anna Wagner, artistic director of the dance department at Theater Freiburg and prospective dramaturge at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm will be moderating the artist talk on Friday, 9 May.

Concept, Choreography: Sebastian Matthias * Composition: Michael Wolters * Dance, Choreography: Jan Burkhardt, Lisanne Goodhue, Deborah Hofstetter, Isaac Spencer * Violin: Simon Goff * Recorder: Michelle Holloway * Clarinet: Jack McNeill * Guitar: Paul Norman.

(c) Arne Schmitt