Eva Demski — Die Frau nach 30 Jahren

Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm

Eva Demski — Die Frau nach 30 Jahren

Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm

For decades now, she has shaped the cultural and literary landscape in Frankfurt – this May offers two excellent occasions to celebrate the work of author Eva Demski: her 70th birthday and Suhrkamp’s decision to reprint Scheintod – one of the great novels of the 1980’s - 30 years after its first publication. And so old companions and new friends assemble on this evening at Mousonturm to read excerpts from Scheintod and speak with Eva Demski about the novel, politics and love and about life and literature.

Supported by the Cultural Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main.


With Eva Demski, old companions and new friends