
Malakoff Kowalski

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Malakoff Kowalski

Malakoff Kowalski was born in Boston as the son of Persian parents. He grew up in Hamburg and now lives in Berlin. As a composer and performer, he has become a prominent figure of the theatre, art and music scene there and beyond. Probably best known as part of the pop duo Jansen & Kowalski, he has also collaborated as a musician on the studio albums of the electro band Moonbootica, as well as composed and been featured on the albums of 2raumwohnung. He also writes and produces film music for Klaus Lemke since 2008. His first solo album was soon followed by two more and his most recent release “My First Piano” is a homage to ten striking piano pieces: with almost incidental finger exercises bridging the landscape between aphorism and laconic humour, which – so critic Max Dax identify him as a “bold, well-tempered piano player at the crossroads of classical music and jazz”.