Traumreisen durch die Hölle und zurück

Oliver Maria Schmitt

Traumreisen durch die Hölle und zurück

Oliver Maria Schmitt

Frankfurt’s head mayor of hearts, former TITANIC chef and bestselling author Oliver Maria Schmitt presents his new collection of travelogues Ich bin dann mal Ertugrul. In it, he reports on desert storms, waterspouts and wine tasting sessions with “Cold Pussy” (half-and-half red wine and coca cola), on staying overnight in the same room in Rom that Tony Soprano died in, traveling in Borat’s footsteps through Kazakhstan and losing the Ernest Hemingway Look-alike contest in Key West. As punishment, he had to paddle for his life down the rapids of the Zambezi River and consume whatever the murderous deep fryer spit out in Berlin’s perilous snack bars.


Buchpremierenlesung mit Spezialgast Ertugrul O