Sweat Baby Sweat

Jan Martens

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Sweat Baby Sweat

Jan Martens

Jan Martens, acclaimed newcomer of the Belgian dance scene, also returns to Mousonturm for the second time this year – again by invitation of the Hollins University.
The starting point of Jan Martens’ superb duet is one of the worlds’ most worn-out clichés: all-consuming love between a man and a woman, who are unable to leave their hands off each other. We witness a modern mating ritual: moments of sensual tenderness, poetry and desire are transformed - become painful confrontation. Jan Maertens is a master of reduction. The actions on stage are condensed into a single image, a surface to project our imaginations onto, while the dancers Kimmy Ligtvoet and Steven Michel are locked in “probably the longest kiss in dance history”, so dance critic Arnd Wesemann.

Choreography: Jan Martens * by, with and for: Kimmy Ligtvoet & Steven Michel * Videodesign: Paul Sixta * Music: Jaap van Keulen * Coach: Peter Seynaeve * Production: Thomas Roye / Frascati producties * Thanks to: summer studios, Marc Vanrunxt

In the frame of the summer programme of Hollins University at Mousonturm. Financed by Hollins University. In cooperation with The Forsythe Company, Mousonturm and University for Music and Performing Arts Frankfurt.