Every Body Electric

Doris Uhlich

Every Body Electric

Doris Uhlich

Doris Uhlich, known for dance piece filled with (participatory) energy (most recently in “More Than Naked”, “Universal Dancer”), celebrates individual and collective “energy dance forms” together with nine performers with physical disabilities. Personal rhythms, dynamics, beats and bodily characteristics produce very unique dance styles. What other possibilities arise when machines – such as wheelchairs, prostheses, crutches – are not seen as impediments, but rather regarded and staged as extensions of the body?! The Austrian choreographer extends a simple and radical invitation to explore potentials through dance beyond conventional concepts and opinions on and about dance – and surprises with the explosive power, but also the gentle-forceful poetry of remarkable choreography.

No language skills required / Choreography: Doris Uhlich / Performance: Erwin Aljukic, Yanel Barbeito, Adil Embaby, Sandra Mader, Karin Ofenbeck, Thomas Richter, Vera Rosner, Danijel Sesar, Katharina Zabransky


Choreografie: Doris Uhlich
Performance: Erwin Aljukic, Yanel Barbeito, Adil Embaby, Sandra Mader, Karin Ofenbeck, Thomas Richter, Vera Rosner, Danijel Sesar, Katharina Zabransky