The Open Theater: Sound & Movement


The Open Theater: Sound & Movement


A series of repetitive movements exercises which release tension. The performer becomes free from judgment and experiences the joy and freedom in playing.

This workshop is focused on:
Physical and vocal work to help with full body and voice CONNECTION. Offering tools to help the actor attain full PRESENCE and to know when he/she is not PRESENT on stage and what to do about it. This is THE CORE TECHNIQUE - Keeps you 'in the moment'!

"Nancy's greatest gift is her capability to define actively, instantly, precisely and always very personally - exactly what is needed for an individual during the performance of an exercise."
Maiko Kemper, Dutch actor

The workshop is for professionell actors and it is in English. Please prepare a text before coming. The monologue or scene work can be in German. Then it needs a copy of the text in English.