Die Interessen eines Anderen

Ayla Pierrot Arendt

Die Interessen eines Anderen

Ayla Pierrot Arendt

Ayla Pierrot Arendt walks in the In-Between of several fields of interest. She studied Visual Arts with a preference for large-scale painting, works as a video artist and is now completing a degree in Choreography and Performance.
With her latest production she introduces a new time-based genre, video choreography, which she uses to invert the principles of theatre and video art, in in close conceptual and artistic collaboration with her team.

INTERESTS OF THE OTHER superimposes several spaces of time: a journey, subsequent memory and the duration of this Live-Performance. The membrane between time and its container, video, is being played out. In close collaboration of sound and image, projection itself becomes alive. She reflects bodies and ideas that have been overwritten within the process of recording and editing. Time is her collaborator, capable of projecting a body of future instead of sticking to the pasts. The melting of the Invisible and Undead allows witnessing the Inter-Esse as the traitor of all collected data. While theater restricts itself to “Live”, video constitutes survival.

With an Introduction for English Speakers.

Art Direction, Choreography, Editing: Ayla Pierrot Arendt * Sound Concept, Composition: Filip Caranica * Space Concept: Johanna Herschel * Camera: Mathias Windelberg * Performance, Archive: Merel Roozen * Performance, Source: Simon Speiser * Performance, Legs: Oksana Griaznova * Technical Support: Alexander Buers * Production Assistance: Melinda Matern * Sponsored by Hessian Theatre Academy (HTA)