Annika Scheffel liest aus "Hier ist es schön"

Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm

Annika Scheffel liest aus "Hier ist es schön"

Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm

Also a winner of Robert-Gernhardt Prize this September was Annika Scheffel. Her novel Hier ist es schön is based on the real-life project Mars One, in which volunteers are sent to Mars one-way to establish a new society there. In her novel, she focuses on four people, who have been chosen for this journey into the unknown. Once again, Annika Scheffel is deeply convincing in her use of light, as well as poetic language - so the jury.

In German.


Noch mehr Wege zum Ruhm - Robert Gernhardt und seine Preisträger