Philosophischer Tisch

Leon Joskowitz

Philosophischer Tisch

Leon Joskowitz

Frankfurt gastrosoph Leon Joskowitz is hosting a series of philosophical dinners at Mousonturm for the first time as part of this year’s Book Fair. In this specially designed Philosophical Dinner format, visitors join writers and philosophers from Flanders and the Netherlands for food, drinks and an exchange of thoughts on four evenings in September and October. A three-course meal frames the conversation, provides tempo, rhythm and sensuality. Every evening has a different menu, a different philosophical topic and a different main guest. 12 guests can take their places at the table every night. Personal reservations only possible via email:

In German (21.9., 4.10.) and English (29.9., 13.10.).


Beitrag zum offiziellen Ehrengast-Programm - Flandern & die Niederlande. Ehrengast der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2016