
Lola Arias

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Lola Arias

Thirty-five years ago, Great Britain went to war against Argentina. In trenches and in face-to-face combat. The Falklands War is almost forgotten in England, but still quite omnipresent in the minds of Argentinians. Argentinian director Lola Arias’ documentary piece Minefield has been celebrated in London as one of the season’s best productions. Six former enemy soldiers from both sides dissect and discuss the mechanisms of military conflict, the creation of enemies and hate, pop-culture propaganda and bogus myths of heroism. Their personal stories are touchingly honest and clearly reveal what government contractual killing can do to people.

In Spanish and Englisch with German, English and Spanish Surtitles * Mousonturm-Coproduction * WRITTEN AND DIRECTED by Lola Arias * CAST Lou Armour, David Jackson, Gabriel Sagastume, Ruben Otero, Sukrim Rai, Marcelo Vallejo * RESEARCH & PRODUCTION Sofia Medici, Luz Algranti * SET DESIGNER Mariana Tirantte * MUSIC COMPOSER Ulises Conti * LIGHT DESIGNER David Seldes * VIDEO DESIGNER Martin Borini * SOUND ENGINEER Roberto Pellegrino/ Ernesto Fara * DIRECTOR’S ASSISTANT Erika Teichert/ Agustina Barzola * TECHNICAL ASSISTANT Imanol López * PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Lucila Piffer * UK ASSISTANT Kate O’Connor * COSTUMES Andrea Piffer * COSTUMES ASSISTANT Federico Castellón Arrieta * UK PRODUCER Erica Campayne * Thanks to Mark Ball, Graciela Speranza, Gema Juárez Allen, Alejandra Grinschpung, Elyse Dogson, Valeria Zamparolo, Marina Pampín, Martin Bode, Manuel Abramovich, Michael Biton, Mike Seers, Esteban Lamadrid, Federico Lorenz, Rubén Szchumacher, Julie Le Gall, Hanna El Fakir and everyone who supported this experiment between two countries that took years of work * Special thanks to all the veterans who took part of the auditions and shared their stories * To Alan Pauls for everything * MINEFIELD is a LIFT co-commission with Royal Court Theatre, Brighton Festival, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Le Quai Angers, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Athens & Epidaurus Festival, Theaterformen and hTh CDN Montpellier * Supported by British Council.

