
Thorsten Lensing


Thorsten Lensing

Featuring a star cast – Devid Striesow, Sebastian Blomberg, Ursina Lardi and André Jung – director Thorsten Lensing has adapted Dostoyevsky’s thousand-page masterpiece “The Brothers Karamazov” for the stage. Lensing’s approach to the novel’s vast number of characters and the rambling storyline around three brothers and their father, about children, animals and even murder is through the youngest generation of characters in the book. With an excellent ensemble, the piece relentlessly points us to its main topics: how to retain faith in a world in which questions of faith are both foreign and simultaneously frighteningly close. In the process, the piece discovers a deeply existential humor in the face of the unavailability of life, whose plot is just as difficult to control as life itself.