Dança Doente

Marcelo Evelin / Demolition Incorporada

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Dança Doente

Marcelo Evelin / Demolition Incorporada

Marcelo Evelin and his company Demolition Incorporada return to Frankfurt with their new piece Dança doente (Sick Dance), which immerses the viewer in the universe of Japanese dancer Tatsumi Hijikata – founder of the radical modern dance movement butoh, also known as the “Dance of Darkness”. In butoh, the dancer is a corpse standing upright, splitting the boy from language and using words as weapons to assault the body. Evelin has transformed his fascination with Hijikata’s ambivalent ideas into an extraordinary dance experience.

A piece by: Marcelo Evelin/Demolition Incorporada * Concept and Choreography: Marcelo Evelin * Creation and Dance: Andrez Lean Ghizze, Bruno Moreno, Carolina Mendonça, Fabien Marcil, Hitomi Nagasu, Marcelo Evelin, Márcio Nonato, Rosângela Sulidade, Sho Takiguchi * Dramaturgy: Carolina Mendonça * Artistic collaboration: Loes Van der Pligt * Light: Thomas Walgrave * Sound: Sho Takiguchi * Costume adviser: Julio Barga * Technical direction: Luana Gouveia * Research advice: Christine Greiner * Production direction: Materiais Diversos +
Regina Veloso/Demolition Incorporada * Agency and distribution: Sofia Matos/Materiais Diversos | Abroad
CAMPO | Brazil * Co-productions: Brazilian Government/ This project was awarded by Prêmio Funarte de Dança Klauss Vianna 2015, Kunsten Festival des Arts, Brussels (BE), Teatro Municipal do Porto - Rivoli - Campo Alegre, Porto (PT), Festival d’Automne à Paris / T2G-Théâtre de Gennevilliers (FR), Kyoto Experiment KEX, Kyoto rn(JP), Spring Festival, Utrecht (NL), Tanz Im August /HAU - Hebbel Am Ufer, Berlin (DE), Teatro Municipal Maria Matos, Lisbon (PT), Alkantara, Lisbon (PT), Montpellier Danse, Montpellier (FR), Mousounturm, Frankfurt (DE), Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival, Goteborg (SE), TanzHaus, Dusseldorf (DE), Vooruit, Gent (BE), La Batie – Festival de Genève, Genève (CH) * Project co-produced by NXTSTP, with the support of the European Union’s Culture Programme.


Mousonturm-Koproduktion * Erstaufführung im deutschsprachigen Raum