Rima Kamel

Rabih Mroué

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Rima Kamel

Rabih Mroué

The Lebanese singer Rima Kamel and the person Rima Khcheich – both are inseparably connected. In Rabih Mroué’s piece, they enter into a dialogue and set out on a journey together into their shared past, all the way back to childhood: to an archive of collected and hidden objects. Questions of origin and thereafter, the hopes once pinned onto young Rima Kamel, are closely intertwined. The cultural and political climate of countries always leaves its mark on individual biographies. Tightly linked to the history of Lebanon between modernity and tradition, Rima Khcheich turns on her own account to the history of singer Rima Kamel to explore memory and the act of forgetting and to reveal the burdens of the past, which extend into the present.

