Of Ivory and Flesh – Statues also suffer

Marlene Monteiro Freitas

Of Ivory and Flesh – Statues also suffer

Marlene Monteiro Freitas

Marlene Monteiro Freitas' pieces are funny, original and radical. By invitation of the Hollins University’s summer programme, the Cap Verde artist is now visiting Frankfurt for the first time. Her inspiration for Of Ivory and Flesh, currently conquering the festivals of Europe, was Ovid’s story of the sculptor Pygmalion, whose immortal love awakens an ivory statue to life. Together with three musicians and four dancers, Monteiro Freitas explores this poetic metamorphosis in form of a carnivalesque-grotesque ball, in which idleness and unfettered movement, pop sounds, beats by Omar Souleyman, Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker, live percussion and images from films by Hitchcock, Bergman and Cocteau flow together.

* No language skills required * Choreografie: Marlene Monteiro Freitas * Performance: Marlene Monteiro Freitas, Andreas Merk, Betty Tchomanga, Lander Patrick, Cookie, Tomás Moital, Miguel Filipe

Catalogue (FIRST EDITION) und Of Ivory and Flesh - Statues also suffer finden im Rahmen des Sommerprogramms der Hollins University statt. Ermöglicht durch die Hollins University in Kooperation mit dem Studiengang MACoDE der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt, der Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company und dem Frankfurt LAB.