Grupo de Rua

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Grupo de Rua

The tension grows almost unbearable as ten performers from Bruno Beltrão’s Grupo de Rua step onto the stage. Hesitantly, the dancers grope through the darkness until suddenly a whirlwind of jumps, head spins and somersaults break loose. Brazilian choreographer Beltrão is one of the shooting stars of the contemporary dance scene. As a teenager, he travelled from breakdance battle to breakdance battle. Then in his early twenties, he decided to revolutionize dance. Just like William Forsythe changed our perspective on ballet, Beltrão has added new aspects to dance by interweaving the movements and attitudes of street dance, breakdance and hip hop with principles of contemporary dance. This has produced intense choreographies, which captivate audiences worldwide with their physical presence and virtuosity. “Inoah”, the company’s newest piece, takes on an entirely new dimension. Electric like a stormy night, it is also a call for social change – negotiating the irreconcilable differences currently running through Brazilian society.

No language requirements * Directed by: Bruno Beltrão * Assistant Director: Ugo Alexandre * Lighting Design: Renato Machado * Sound Design: Felipe Storino * Costumes: Marcelo Sommer * Dance: Leozin Laureano, Olye Souza, João Chataignier, Kapu Araújo, Cley  Almeida, Leandro Rodrigues, Douglas Santos, Duke Pantoja, Bruno Duarte, Igor Martins * Production Management: Tamara Catharino

Commissioned by Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Kampnagel Hamburg, tanzhaus nrw and Hellerau Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden a spart of „Projeto Brasil“, funded by the German Federal Culture Foundation. * A Grupo de Rua production, co-produced by Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Wiener Festwochen, tanzhaus nrw, Festival de Marseille and Kampnagel Hamburg. * Performance as a part of the Tanzfestival Rhein-Main 2017 of the Tanzplattform Rhein Main. Supported by the Goethe Institut.

