Édouard Louis - Im Herzen der Gewalt

Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm

Édouard Louis - Im Herzen der Gewalt

Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm

On the way home from a Christmas party, Édouard Louis is approached by Reda in front of his flat. He feels attracted to the young man. What could have been a harmless flirt, leads to an outbreak of violence instead. As once before in his world bestseller The End of Eddy, Édouard Louis delves deeply into the structures of French society. In doing so, he goes far beyond the boundaries of personal experience and depicts violence and its causes in a deeply divided country.

Moderation, translation and reading of the german text: Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel

In cooperation with S. Fischer Verlag and  kindly supported by IFRA Frankfurt.

(c) Jerome Bonnet