
Fortuna Ehrenfeld


Fortuna Ehrenfeld

Martin Bechler – jack-of-all-trades from Cologne – is the true mastermind behind Fortuna Ehrenfeld. Having recently made quite a name for himself as one of the most impressive German songwriters around, he also brings with him an exceptional talent for composition. Together with producer René Tinner (CAN, Lou Reed, Trio), the multi-instrumentalist weaves voice, piano and acoustic guitar with electronic beats into poetic songs such as “Matrosen”, “Ein analoges Mädchen” or “Zwei Himmel”. “Atmospheric, like a good, sadly never broadcast episode of Derrick. Funny, clever and heart-rending fuck-you vibes” (Olli Schulz) – Fortuna Ehrenfeld offers pop music for adults that is crazy in the best possible way.