Im Weißen Rössl à trois

Michael Quast

Im Weißen Rössl à trois

Michael Quast

Performing entire works of opera and operetta literature as a threesome is the trademark of the congenial duo Sabine Fischmann & Michael Quast plus pianist. Their most recent projects include Die Fledermaus, Carmen and Don Gionvanni, which was invited to the Salzburg Festival. Critics have described their work as “stunning comedy, exorbitantly musical and driven by the passion of the obsessed”.  The White Horse Inn is once more a stringent cost-cutting concept, at least in terms of staff. And yet the audience can expect a blazing comedy that has everything to offer, which constitutes The White Horse Inn: the heart-rending torments and the squealing joys of love, cheeky Alpine kitsch and true sentimentality.