Liberty Theatre - I love you, I love you, I love you

Liberty Theatre

Liberty Theatre - I love you, I love you, I love you

Liberty Theatre

There is a strange village in Georgia in which everything and everyone talks: people, animals, birds, the river, the earth, the scarecrow and even a statue on the village square. The villagers Nikala and Tamta fall in love and host a big wedding. On the next day however, war breaks out across the country and Nikala leaves to join the fighting…


In Georgian with German surtitles

Dramaturgie und Regie: Avto Varsimashvili / Mit: Mariam Jologua, Apolon Kublashvili, AniAladashvili, Kakha Mikiashvili, Giorgi Jikia, Mamuka Mumladze, Shako Mirianashvili