Gregor Praml trifft Oliver Augst

Gregor Praml trifft Oliver Augst

Singer and composer Oliver Augst is best known for his music, theatre and radio play productions. He works with renowned artists such as Blixa Bargeld and On Kawara. Augst studied visual communication at the University of Art and Design Offenbach am Main and popular music/performance at the University of Music and Theatre Hamburg – an interesting balancing act, which runs through his entire musical work. Augst has worked with Marcel Daemgen since 1998 on – as he calls it – “radical theatre forms, experimental music and high-end entertainment” under the label “textXTND”. Just recently, they were awarded the Frankfurt children’s and youth theatre prize Karfunkel for their radio theatre series “ON AIR”. In this sense, there is more than enough “material” for an encounter with Gregor Praml and even parallels to be drawn regarding e.g. theatre work as a composer for the stage. And the musical jam session promises to be just as exciting.


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