Natalie Bayer + Carmen Mörsch

Natalie Bayer + Carmen Mörsch

Migration researcher Natalie Bayer is director of the FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum since 2018. Natalie Bayer defines the museum as a place for people to assemble and deal with what affects society. As museum director, she is particularly interested in the ways in which urban migrant society is developing and the issues being negotiated by inhabitants among themselves. To this aim, she continuously works on developing new methods and formats to promote the development of museums as antiracist and anti-discriminating places. In 2017, she co-edited the collection of essays Kuratieren als antirassistische Praxis. Kritiken, Praxen, Aneignungen (Curating as an Anti-Racist Practice. Critics, Practices, Appropriations, De Gruyter Verlag)

At im*possible bodies #2, Natalie Bayer will speak about her museum’s new goals and present examples of best practice.

Prof. Carmen Mörsch was director of the Institute for Art Education at the Zurich University of the Arts until late August 2018. She is artistic director of the Kulturagent*innen Schweiz/ Agent*es culturel*les Suisse since January 2018. In summer 2018, she was appointed Professor for the Didactics of Art at the Kunsthochschule Mainz and will publish “Die Bildung der A_n_d_e_r_e_n durch Kunst. Eine postkoloniale Kartierung der Kunstvermittlung in England“ (“Forming the O_t_h_e_r through Art. A Postcolonial Mapping of Cultural Education in England”, Zaglossus) in 2019.

At im*possible bodies #2, Carmen Mörsch will speak about her current research on the history of cultural education and the coloniality inscribed in it.