
Some Sprouts

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Some Sprouts

The insolence of unpolished slacker rock and the catchy melancholy of modern Indie pop acts are the soil in which Some Sprouts thrive. Vintage synth sounds provide nutrients and singer Joshua’s distinct voice adds water. In 2017, the fivesome from Regensburg caused a stir far beyond the German Indie scene with their debut EP “Florescer”: established artists from the USA such as We Are Scientists or Albert Hammond Jr (The Strokes) took notice of Some Sprouts and booked them as supporting acts for their German tours. In autumn 2018, the band released its second EP “IMMT”, which was recorded in complete isolation in a small country cottage. The six songs on “IMMT” even more clearly combine the Sprouts’ two main influences – driving Indie rock and dreamy folk pop. Whether you’d rather dance or chill, don’t miss this insider gig at the Mousonturm Lokal!

Davor spielen Mayes aus Hamburg. Die einzigartig klare Stimme des britischen Muttersprachlers Sam Mayes bleibt auch zwei Jahre nach Veröffentlichung der ersten EP noch unverkennbares Markenzeichen. Es bleibt Gitarrenlastig, wenn auch mit spürbarer Liebe für Popsongs. Sams Understatement steht dabei der Spielattitüde einer Band gegenüber, die sich keineswegs vor großen Gesten scheut.