Teatro de Guerra (Theatre of War)

Lola Arias

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Teatro de Guerra (Theatre of War)

Lola Arias

35 years after the Falkland War, Argentinian and British veterans face each other in various staged scenes – in a film studio, in a swimming pool or at a table with tin soldiers. Together they remember, re-enact and re-experience what happend in the past. However, they don’t stick with the past but rather try to understand their present mental and physical state. Finally, each of them meets a young man who takes on the role of the past self and thus creates relevance for a younger generation. Using techniques of theatre, performance and fine arts, director Lola Arias’ film brings the trauma of a whole generation to the surface without playing on the audience’s heart strings. In Spanish with english subtitles. The LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt International will open at 8 p.m. on 26 March in the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. All further information can be found at www.lichter-filmfest.de.


Language: In Spanisch with English surtitles
A cooperation with LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt International 2019 and Autorenstiftung Frankfurt am Main.