Pink Planet

Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie

Pink Planet

Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie

Supporting creativity and opening new perspectives: For many years, members of the Ensemble Modern have been carrying out education projects in Frankfurt schools and encouraging young people to have new experiences with music and make their own music. This year, for the first time Ensemble Modern will train students in music mediation at the HfMDK, in the context of the IEMA course. After internal workshops and training courses, two intensive working phases started for the IEMA students – with 100 students of the IGS Nordend. For the most part without any previous musical knowledge, students approach their own experimental artworks. Together with 14 professional young musicians of the IEMA and members of the Ensemble Modern, the students will present the results in their one-hour long performance Pink Planet.


Music project with 8th year students of the IGS Nordend, the International Ensemble Modern Academy and guests