Uncanny Valley

Münchner Kammerspiele, Rimini Protokoll (Kaegi) and Thomas Melle

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Uncanny Valley

Münchner Kammerspiele, Rimini Protokoll (Kaegi) and Thomas Melle

We mostly think of robots as work machines, as efficient and precise executors of tasks. In German industry, they barely look like people, to avoid emotional complications. Unlike in Asia, where humanoid robots have already been developed for some time, for example for care-work or as sex partners. The external similarity to human beings makes the acceptance of machines easier. However, if the machine is too similar to a human, we begin to feel mistrust: what is human, what is machine? Japanese robotics researchers call this weird similarity the “uncanny valley”. For his new play, Stefan Kaegi works with a writer and playwright for the first time: Thomas Melle allowed an animatronic double of himself to be made. This humanoid takes the author’s place and throws up questions: what does it mean for the original when the copy takes over? Does the original get to know himself better through his electronic double? Do the copy and his original compete or do they help each other?


Duration: 60 Min.
Language: German and English

Sponsors and Supporters

Konzept, Text, Regie: Stefan Kaegi
Text, Körper, Stimme: Thomas Melle
Ausstattung: Eva-Maria Bauer
Animatronik: Chiscreatures Filmeffects GmbH
Herstellung und Art Finish des Silikonkopfes, Koloration und Haare: Tommy Opatz
Video: Mikko Gaestel
Musik: Niki Neecke
Licht: Michael Pohorsky
Dramaturgie: MartíN ValdéS-Stauber
Experten: Prof. RaúL Rojas (Professor für Künstliche Intelligenz, TU Berlin) Enno Park (Cyborgs E.V.)
Lichtdesign: Lisa Eßwein
Sound- und Videodesign: Jaromir Zezula
Regieassistenz: Dennis Metaxas
Ausstattungsassistenz: Janina Sieber
Englische Übersetzung des Stücks: Lucy Jones, Transfiction, Berlin
Regiehospitanz: Lisa Homburger
Head of Robot Project And Puppetteering: Chris Kunzmann
Lead Robot Construction: Andreas Mattijat
Lead Robot Programmer and Puppetteering: Stefano Trambusti
Assistant Robot Construction: Jonathan Noormann
Robotcontrol and Programming Support: Daniel Stiber
Steuerungstechnik: Weiglcontrol
Electronic Support: Hendrik Donner
Moldmaking and Galsfibertec: Niko Weber
Fdm Print Construstion Cleanup and 3D Print Assist: Delia Kunzmann

Eine Produktion der Münchner Kammerspiele in  Koproduktion mit Berliner Festspiele – Immersion,
Temporada Alta – Festival de Tardor de Catalunya, Impresario Feodor Elutine (Russia | Moscow), SPRING Performing Arts Festival, Utrecht, Holland, Triennale Teatro dell’Arte, Milano. Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser.