
Nick Drnaso


Nick Drnaso

At some point, even Amazon was out of stock: Nick Drnaso’s “Sabrina” simply couldn’t be bought in English any more. This comes as no  surprise after the “masterpiece!” (Zadie Smith) made it to the long list of the prestigious Man Booker Prize as the very first graphic novel  ever. The story that Nick Drnaso presents in calm, simple drawings is disturbing. His title character disappears. Shortly afterwards, a video goes viral: Sabrina has apparently been brutally tortured and murdered. Yet conspiracy theories bloom like poisonous mushrooms in the social climate spreading across the USA since 9/11. The authenticity of the crime is called into question in a cocktail of paranoia and fake news – with severe consequences for the victim’s family and friends.


Language: Germna and English with translation
Presentation: Daniel Beskos

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Eine Veranstaltung des Hessischen Literaturforums im Mousonturm. In Kooperation mit dem Aufbau Verlag.