Death and Birth in My Life

Mats Staub

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Death and Birth in My Life

Mats Staub

For more than ten years, Mats Staub has assembled his innumerable conversations with people into installations. For “Death and Birth in My Life”, he has conflated two people
to let them converse about deaths and births in their life, while he attends as an invisible companion. The audience simultaneously looks into the speaking and the listening face, while both people talk. The result is a conversation on things that we usually try to ignore. Looks provide solace and faces demonstrate compassion, for the partners do not directly react to the other’s stories, but rather answer with stories of their own. These personal narratives create a space for community, that allows emotions and is a home to listening itself.


Duration: approx. 140 min. (two clips + Pause)
Language: German and English

Sponsors and Supporters

Idee, Konzept, Leitung: Mats Staub
Kamera: Benno Seidel, Matthias Stickel
Szenographie: Monika Schori
Mitarbeit Dramaturgie: Simone von Büren, Elisabeth Schack
Mitarbeit Recherche: Tim Harrison (Manchester), Maia Marie (Magaliesburg), Patrick Mudekereza (Lubumbashi), Dada Kahindo (Kinshasa), Marcus Rehberger (Basel), Nele Beinborn (Frankfurt), Wolfram Sander (Hannover), Leo Saftic (Perg), Celya Larré (Paris)
Technik: Hanno Sons, Stefan Göbel
Postproduktion: Benno Seidel
Übersetzung, Untertitelung: Simona Weber, Martin Thomas Pesl, Matthias Stickel, Benno Seidel
Produktionsleitung: Barbara Simsa, Elisabeth Schack

Eine Produktion von zwischen_produktionen. In Koproduktion mit Kaserne Basel, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt, SICK! Festival Manchester, Festival Theaterformen Hannover, Festival der Regionen Perg, Spielart Festival München, Lalela Magaliesburg, Centre d'Art Waza Lubumbashi, Centre culturel suisse Paris, Festival Bollwerk Belluard International Fribourg, Migros-Kulturprozent

Mit Unterstützung des Fachausschuss Tanz und Theater BS/BL, der Pro Helvetia Schweizer Kulturstiftung, der Christoph Merian Stiftung, und der Ernst Göhner Stiftung