Who decides?! – Wer entscheidet und worüber?

Hannah Fitsch

Who decides?! – Wer entscheidet und worüber?

Hannah Fitsch

Berlin sociologist Hannah Fitsch is currently accompanying the Frankfurt performance collective Swoosh Lieu on their way into a queer-feminist future. Her own current research in the field of neuroscience deals with paradoxical transfers of interpretation: while new technologies are increasingly differentiating our understanding of the openness and malleability of the human brain, the logics of evaluation and assessment stubbornly cling to standardized models of gender and sexuality. In view of her collaboration with Swoosh Lieu on the current project “Dea Ex Machina”, Hannah Fitsch will talk about her perspectives on concrete strategies of cyberfeminism, which allow scientifically generated data to be hacked in order to provoke queerfeminist interpretations and applications.


Language: German

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Im Rahmen von „corponomy“ gefördert durch die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.