SonnebornGsellaSchmitt – Ohne Orchester!


SonnebornGsellaSchmitt – Ohne Orchester!


Sold-out venues, swooning grannies, millions of satisfied customers – the “super group of the satirical scene” (Süddeutsche Zeitung) has survived Corona and is humbly returning to its roots: unplugged and unorchestrated! Without respirators, the three former Editors in Chief, MEP Martin Sonneborn (Grimme Prize), Thomas Gsella (Robert Gernhardt Prize) and Oliver Maria Schmitt (Henri Nannen Prize), are at last back on stage from Zurich to Hamburg and Berlin (near Poland), bringing smiles to the faces of their haggard audiences. The trio are venerated legends: they have been sued by the Pope, the German President and FIFA, they have conquered parliaments and survived terrorist attacks, been booed, cheered and celebrated. In their brand new programme they present virus-resistant punch lines with and without masks, cutting-edge vulgarity, sophisticated obscenities and forbidden jokes at the expense of uninvolved third parties (Hitler, Trump, von der Leyen, Attila Naidoo). So get out of the house, into your full body suit – treat yourself to this guaranteed infectious evening of laughs with Schmitt, Gsella and Sonneborn, the three passionate staunch and random hobby-virologists! And you won’t get your money back if you don’t like it.


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