You Are Here! Neue Klänge für ein zerstreutes Publikum

Hannes Seidl, Theresa Beyer and Paul Hübner

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You Are Here! Neue Klänge für ein zerstreutes Publikum

Hannes Seidl, Theresa Beyer and Paul Hübner

Equipped with VHF radios, the audience strolls through the palm
garden. They are listening to “Radio Palm Fiction”, produced
live and only available in the middle of the park. The programme
revolves around trumpeter Paul Hübner. Even for one of
the most acclaimed experimental masters of the trumpet, the first
wave of pandemic regulations for musicians hit hard, with the
brass guild hit hardest. No distance between trumpeter and the rest
of the world seemed big enough. In order to acoustically overcome
this enforced distancing, Theresa Beyer and Hannes Seidl
have set out to find a new band for Paul Hübner in the pop-up
radio studio. In conversations and improvisations with musicians as
diverse as Elsa M’Bala, David Helbich, Kamilya Jubran and Liz
Kosack, they re-access their current positions within music.
Equipped with the VHF radios, the audience scattered around the
garden becomes a giant group amplifier and joins in the feverish
excitement of who will be in Paul Hübner’s new band.

from 6 p.m. live-show with guests:
12. September Oxana Omelchuk & Kamilya Jubran
13. September Christoph Ogiermann & Liz Kosack
19. September Naoko Kikuchi & David Helbich
20. September Elsa M’Bala & Etienne Nillesen


Language German: Deutsch
Entrance via Siesmayerstraße, Tickets für den Palmengarten vor Ort
Ausgabe von Radiogeräten direkt hinter dem Eingangsbereich
Radioempfang nur im Palmengarten möglich
Jeweils ab 13 Uhr on Air, ab 18 Uhr Liveshow mit Gästen
Das Pop-up-Studio befindet sich im Haus Rosenbrunn

Sponsors and Supporters

Künstlerische Leitung, Performance: Theresa Bier, Paul Hübner, Hannes Seidl
Musik, Performance: David Helbich, Kamilya Jubran, Naoko Kikuchi, Liz Kosack, Etienne Nilesen, Elsa M‘Bala, Christoph Ogiermann, Oxana Omelchuk
Assistenz: Sophie Hein
Public Relations: form fellows
Produktionsleitung: ehrliche arbeit - freies Kulturbüro

Eine Produktion von Hannes Seidl & Briefkastenfirma in Koproduktion mit dem Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. Gefördert vom Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main. Unterstützt vom Palmengarten der Stadt Frankfurt am Main.