Kunst barrierefrei gestalten – aber wie?

Noa Winter & Sophia Neises

Kunst barrierefrei gestalten – aber wie?

Noa Winter & Sophia Neises

Nobody wants to exclude people – and yet accessibility is usually seen as a task for institutions. Far too seldom do we as artists ask ourselves: Who can actually culturally participate in the work that I am making? Dramaturge and curator Noa Winter and performer and theatre pedagogue Sophia Neises invite you to engage with structural ableism, non-disabled privileges and questions of accessibility. Together we will start a process of rethinking: How can each of us artistically deal with barriers in our own work?


Language: German
Der Workshop wird von zwei behinderten Kunstschaffenden geleitet und richtet sich an Performer*innen, Regisseur*innen, Choreograf*innen und Dramaturg*innen mit und ohne Vorkenntnisse.

Anmeldungen für beide Termine bitte an dramaturgie@mousonturm.de mit dem Betreff „barrierefrei“