



Splashes of paint, bright spots and acrobatics are the main ingredients of Grensgeval’s "PLOCK!”. Performer Camiel tries her hand at a Jackson Pollock painting and tackles the empty canvas with paint cans, brushes, sticks and rollers – with all her might! The result is a large-scale work of art within a work of art, the creation of which is an adventure for everyone involved, because the audience sits directly in front of the action and can watch every splash of paint closely. We cannot promise whether the suits will really protect against all that paint! "PLOCK!" reflects the interdisciplinary work of Grensgeval, whose performances are situated at the crossroads between dance, acrobatics and – in the case of "PLOCK!” – visual art.

All information on the event:


For everyone age 4 and up
No language skills required
Duration: 55 min.

DAS THEATER KOMMT – A project by the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Sponsors and Supporters

Concept, Direction: Hanne Vandersteene and Mahlu Mertens
Acrobatics, Acting: Camiel Corneille, Axel Guérin, Jakob Lohmann
Acting: Mahlu Mertens, Hanne Vandersteene
Sound Concept: Stijn Dickel (Aifoon)
Dramaturgy: Mieke Versyp
Lighting Design: Jeroen Doise, Saul Mombaerts
Costumes: Sofie Rosseel
Decor: Koen Demeyere

With support of: De Vlaamse Overheid, Stad Gent, Via Zuid, Aifoon. Made possible by: De Grote Post, Dommelhof, Circuscentrum, De Kopergietery, De Kriekelaar. The guest performance is part of DAS THEATER KOMMT, a project Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main, made possible by the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain.