Birds (Work in Progress)

Seppe Baeyens/Ultima Vez

Birds (Work in Progress)

Seppe Baeyens/Ultima Vez

Aufgrund der drastisch steigenden COVID-19-Infoktionszahlen in Belgien und dem damit verbundenen Risiko für das altersgemischte Ensemble, muss die Produktion „Birds“ von Seppe Baeyens/ Ultima Vez abgesagt werden. Die Vorstellungen werden durch das Stück 1001 SORRYS des Trios Brands, Sistig, Steinmair ersetzt.

Bereits gebuchte Gratiskarten für BIRDS (WORK IN PROGRESS ) verlieren ihre Gültigkeit. Zuschauer*inne sind eingeladen, neue Gratiskarten für 1001 SORRYS zu buchen.

From passing by to watching, from watching to performing, from performing to passing by, from passing by to performing, from performing to watching. "Birds", the piece Seppe Baeyens is currently working on, explores the magic triangle of dance and performance in public spaces. For the work-in-progress performance, which Seppe Baeyens is designing especially for Frankfurt, he will transform the empty Zoogesellschaftshaus and the square in front of it into a stage space, creating the setting for an unforeseeable collective event. As an experiment in being together, "Birds" searches for a common language in public spaces – with movements, objects, actions that can already be found in public places. As in Seppe Baeyens' previous projects, the spectators are equal accomplices in the performance: everyone, regardless of age, body and gender, is invited to participate in their own way and to use dance as a language to experience the magic of connecting with each other.

All information on the event:


For everyone age 8 and older
Duration: 90 Min.
No language skills required
No seating

DAS THEATER KOMMT – A project of the Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main


Sponsors and Supporters

Concept, Direction, Choreography: Seppe Baeyens
Co-Development & Performance: An intergenerational group of 15 performers and musicians
Music: Stef Heeren, Kwinten Mordijck
Dramaturgy: Kristin Rogghe
Stage space: LUCA School of Arts
Movement Assistant: Yassin Mrabtifi
Costumes: Lieve Meeussen
Production, Tour Management: Ultima Vez

A co-production of Ultima Vez, KVS Brussels, STUK Leuven, Festival de Marseille, tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf, supported by residencies at STUK Leuven, tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf, CAMPO Ghent, Berliner Festspiele, KVS Brussels. Supported by tax benefits from the Belgian government, Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter, made possible by Belfius. Ultimaz Vez is funded by the Flemish Community and the Commission of the Flemish Community in the Capital Region of Brussels.

The guest performance is part of DAS THEATER KOMMT, a project of the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main, supported by the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain.