Das Parlament – Nach dem Ende der Versammlung II


Das Parlament – Nach dem Ende der Versammlung II


It is the year 2030; the crisis is over and even traffic is once again flowing. Humanity has become accustomed to limiting its physical encounters to a reasonable level. The widespread practice of public assembly so common before the pandemic has not been reintroduced. While theatres have switched to streaming parliaments have become museums. The Römer, once a proud landmark of the city of Frankfurt and seat of the city council, is now empty. The performance “The Parliament” is a fictional museum tour that deals with the theatrical dynamics of political representation. From the perspective of a dystopian past, present or even future, it looks at parliaments as ruins of another era. “The Parliament” is part of the longterm project “After the End of the Assembly”, in which the group andpartnersincrime deals with new forms of assembly.

Please use headphones and and a pc/laptop to have a good sound.


Duration: approx. 80 Min.
Language: German and English

To participate, book a ticket using the ticket link above. You will find the link to the zoom event on the ticket that will be sent to you by ADticket after the order process. If you have any problems, please contact info@andpartnersincrime.org 

Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and its co-production partners accept no liability for the use of the software Zoom. You can find important information on data protection at the event here.

More information: andpartnersincrime.org

Sponsors and Supporters

Künstlerische Leitung und Text: Eleonora Herder
Dramaturgie: Tim Schuster
Komposition und Sounddesign: Marc Behrens
Gestaltung und Bühnenbild: Anna Sukhova
Kostüm: Tanya Tverdokhlebova
Videoessay: Julia Novacek
Performance: Shahrzad Osterer
Regie- und Dramaturgieassistenz: Ceren Yildirim
Produktionsleitung: Anna Maria Bolender
Theaterwissenschaftliche Beratung: Julia Schade
Rechtswissenschaftliche Beratung: Leon Züllig

Eine Produktion von andpartnersincrime in Kooperation mit dem Künstlerhaus Mousonturm und dem Historischen Museum Frankfurt. Gefördert von Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt, Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst und Fonds Darstellende Künste.