Learning from the Lockdown: Immunity and Touch

Boris Nikitin, Rosa Wernecke and Wilma Renfordt

Learning from the Lockdown: Immunity and Touch

Boris Nikitin, Rosa Wernecke and Wilma Renfordt

Theatre has largely been in lockdown since March 2020. Performances have been cancelled, postponed or relocated to digital spaces. Is there something we can learn from this crisis? How do we want to carry on afterwards? The Impulse Theatre Festival has gathered contributions from more than 30 protagonists of the independent theatre scene. In the book “Learning from the Lockdown?”, they write about the insights, ideas and political demands sparked by the Corona crisis. At the book launch, Boris Nikitin and Rosa Wernecke (Swoosh Lieu) will discuss the issue of “immunity”: the theatre lockdown provides protection from the virus, but also prevents direct contact with what is happening on stage. But isn’t the power of theatre based precisely on exposing ourselves to close contact, on taking the risk of experiencing deep encounters, on bringing one’s own vulnerability into play? Will the pandemic, as Paul B. Preciado suspects, turn us into an immune community: untouchable and radically individual?


Duration: approx. 60 Min.
Language: German
More information on the publishers website Alexander Verlag Berlin.

The event will take place as a Webinar via Zoom.
-> Link to the Webinar

“Lernen aus dem Lockdown? Nachdenken über Freies Theater” (Learning from the Lockdown? Thoughts on Independent Theatre) is a publication of the Impulse Theatre Festival, edited by Haiko Pfost, Wilma Renfordt and Falk Schreiber for the NRW KULTURsekretariat. Published in October 2020 by Alexander Verlag Berlin, 2nd edition January 2021.

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Gefördert durch die Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung als Teil der Reihe „Corponomy – Politiken des Körpers in Tanz, Performance und Gesellschaft“.