Die Stadt mit der Zunge betreten (Version 2021)


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Die Stadt mit der Zunge betreten (Version 2021)


In the period 24. – 30. 04. the video is available on Vimeo on Demand for 24 hours from the time of purchase. Price: € 5.

How are we connected to other places? What material and immaterial infrastructures determine our location in the world? The performance collective ScriptedReality has been exploring this question since 2018 in its research project "Psychoarchitectures" through a series of walks in which imaginary space and urban space merge to the point that they become indistinguishable. The walks follow invisible traces of high-frequency traders in the suburbs; in Frankfurt's New Old Town they undertake deep drilling and enter even older layers of the earth. And they follow the echoes of underworld rivers that flow around the foundations of the high-rise buildings. This creates an architecture of narratives, an infrastructure of thought that in walking explores alternative connections beyond the main traffic arteries.


Duration: approx. 120 min.
Language: German
Premiere of version 2021
Mousonturm Co-production
On 23.04. at 10 p.m. digital aftertalk. Link follows.

For the stream on 23 April applies

— Ticket sales close at least 1 hour before the start of the digital performance.

—  Access: You will receive the link to the digital event on the ticket PDF. Please call up this URL in your web browser on your internet-capable terminal shortly before the start of the event and enter your personal access code.

— In case of problems with the stream: contact the Mousonturm staff (27. 03., 16-19): +49 (0) 69 405 895-88

24. – 30. 04. The film is made available via Vimeo on Demand. To watch the film, you have to register with Vimeo (simple, free and only once) (Privacy Notice). There is no advance booking, the video is paid for directly before watching the film.

For a nice evening, we recommend watching the performance on a large screen and with a good internet connection.

Sponsors and Supporters

Konzept, Fotografien, Texte, Performance, Recherche: Ruth Schmidt, Arne Salasse, Tilman Aumüller
Fotografien, Recherche: Ben Ackermann
Fotografien: Zuzana Zabkova
3D-Design: Daniem Schmidtmann
Webumsetzung: Maximilian Kreis
Rendering: Jean-Noel Lenhard (pfundbuero.de)

Herzlichen Dank an Till Straube, Sebastian Schipper und Rushy Rush!

Eine Produktion von ScriptedReality. In Koproduktion mit dem Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. PSYCHOARCHITEKTUREN wurde gefördert von der Stadt Frankfurt, dem hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, dem IMPLANTIEREN Festival 2020 und dem Offenen Haus der Kulturen.