Axel Hacke liest

Axel Hacke

Axel Hacke liest

Axel Hacke

Axel Hacke’s principle is to bring all his texts with him on stage and to only spontaneously decide which to present over the course of the evening: what is clear is that he will be reading from his newest and very current book “Über den Anstand in schwierigen Zeiten und die Frage, wie wir miteinander umgehen” (“About Decency in Difficult Times and the Question of How We Treat Each Other”). Then, maybe a section of “Die Tage, die ich mit Gott verbrachte” (“The Days that I Spent with God”), a wonderfully, lightly playful text about nothing less than the meaning of life? Or some of his legendary columns from the magazine of the Süddeutsche Zeitung? A short hit parade of the nicest misunderstandings from the Wumbaba trilogy? Every Hacke reading is a little grab bag. But what’s clear – in the words of the Norddeutsche Rundfunk – “When he reads in public, his listeners tend to bring along tissues, because they know they’re sure to cry tears of laughter.”