Tanzplage Frankfurt

Lea Martini

Tanzplage Frankfurt

Lea Martini

Almost 500 years ago, in summer 1518, Europe was struck for the first time by a strange disease. With no prior warning, first individuals, then entire masses were overcome by an excessive dance craze. Cities, villages and entire regions were subsequently taken by surprise. Driven by her fascination for this phenomenon, choreographer and dancer Lea Martini – reputed throughout the German dance scene as an expert for physically extreme situations, is hosting a series of choreomanic outbreaks with “Tanzplage Frankfurt” (Dance Plague Frankfurt). The dance plague begins with a solo by the host. Then, after an incubation period, a concert leads to an massive outbreak.

No language skills required / Mousonturm-Koproduktion im Rahmen der Tanzplattform Rhein-Main / Konzeption, Choreografie, Solo: Lea Martini / Choreografie Gruppenstück: Anna-Karin Domfors, Lisen Ellard, Tea Harryson, Katrine Johansen / Mit: Anke Bender, Anke Both, Svetlana Grigorjeva, Andreas Jahncke, Philippa Maurer, Hannah Poepke, Ion Bloch Rand, Annette Reihlen, Monica Rella, Gerlinde Schoer-Petry, Johanne Schroeder, Brigitte Schroth, Julia Schubart, Axel Schwalm, Hanna Steinmair, Kim Lotte Stoeber, Ina Trenk, Anna Ulutas, Nadine Wagner, Cansu Yildiz / Dramaturgische Mitarbeit: Anne-Mareike Hess / Licht: Camilla Vetters, Stine Hertel /
Komposition, Soundkonzert: Tian Rotteveel / Video: Diego Agulló, Jorge Ruiz Abánades / Kostüm, Assistenz: Daniela Thomsen Nickau / Produktionsleitung: Ann-Kathrin Reimers / Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Hessischen Theaterakademie

