Feel Tank: Feminist Burnout

Feel Tank: Feminist Burnout

Chloe Turner

Feel Tanks (a spin of “think tank“) derive their name from one cell of a larger group known as the Public Feelings Project which operated from the conviction that “understanding affective investment can be the a starting point for theoretical insight into the workings of capitalism, racism and sexism within power structures“ (Cvetkovich, 2007). Feel Tank Chicago, "governed by outrage that the demands for a less bad life and a better good life continue to go
unrecognized“ (2012) organized a series of depress-ins and installations as part of academic conferences to perform their frustrations.

Through over fifteen workshops, seminars and lectures, Chloe Turner has been using Feel Tanks as both intellectual enquiry and call-to-arms, broadening both the theoretical and practical scope of what it means to live under capitalism in the current moment.

How can we take seriously the link between the affective intensity of feeling exhausted that registers in individual bodies and the social and political structures that affect us collectively? How do we think about these entangled feelings through a lens of feminist, queer, anti-racist and anti-ableist politics where so much ‘good’ scholarship emerges from sites of negativity and fraught experiences?

In the continuing struggles against global anti-Black, queer/transphobic conservative governance, pandemic "new normal“ living and the stripping of arts and humanities funding, nurturing spaces of care and connection have never felt more pressing. How do we bring into being the feminist space we want to be a part of?

A space where we gift our labour to each other as opposed to institutions, co-create the
spaces to weather the coming disasters and mobilise a resistance that centres pleasure and joy. This discussion-led workshop will focus on the negative affective entanglement of: Feminist Burnout.

—> More informations about the event and the entire festival programme via Nocturnal Unrest


Englisch mit englischen Untertiteln

Sponsors and Supporters

Nocturnal Unrest ist eine Kooperation des nOu-Kollektivs und Ladiez e.V. Kulturelle und Politische Bildung für Frauen, des Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, der feministische philosoph_innen Frankfurt und dem Hafen 2 Offenbach.
Gefördert durch Fonds Soziokultur im Rahmen des Programms Neustart Kultur der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, das Goethe Institut, das Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, die Hessische Theaterakademie, Frauenreferat und Stabsstelle Inklusion der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, dem QSL Fonds und dem AStA der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main sowie durch die Crespo Foundation.

More Information


Chloe Turner is a writer, curator and 1st year PhD candidate in the Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Department at Goldsmiths, University of London. Their work navigates critical creative explorations at the intersection of feminism, queer-/transgender theory, critical race theory, design justice and visual culture. But it is also about her grandma’s rhubarb. Chloe has designed and held over fifteen Feel Tank workshops, seminars and lectures, both in the UK and internationally. Feel Tank projects have been supported by British Academy/Leverhulme Trust and AHRC funding bodies in large scale projects, the most recent project being: Feeling Time: Everyday experiences of time in the Covid-19 pandemic (2021) with Dr Rebecca Coleman and Dr Dawn Lyons. Chloe’s writing has been published or is forthcoming in Soapbox: Journal of Cultural Analysis and Metaphor as Metamorphosis: Art Journal and the Journal of Visual Culture.


Twitter: @chloeturner_uk

Instagram: @chloeturneruk_uk