FETISCH. poetische theorie performance

FETISCH. poetische theorie performance

Matti Traußneck

Night is for conspiracy. Night is before the dawn. An owl cries out.

Drums: Ritual, revolt, heartbeat.

FETISCH is the exploration of unfreedom and the search for the drumming hearts, the moment before the revolution. Marx and Freud provide early fetish terms for analyzing social relations. The fetish character of the commodity and the neurosis of the bourgeois subject are both the point of reference and the object of critique in this performance. For the Western concept of the fetish remains colonial. Both in psychoanalysis and in the critique of capitalism and in the subsequent theoretical uses of the concept. Fetish critique is itself fetishistic: it takes the appearance of a thing for its essence and, in a circular movement, thereby creates both the essence and the appearance. In the shallows of this entanglement, we move with Rihanna as a rhythmic pilot as well as with a narrative voice that weaves theory and poetry into each other.

Performance in images, movement, poems and theoretical set pieces. Five acts on violence, capitalism, the bourgeois subject, the body and BITCHISM, negotiating death and freedom, division of labour and unfreedom, sex, deviance, the hideous triumvirate of race-class-gender and the organisation of the revolution that has yet to occurred.

—> More informations about the event and the entire festival programme via Nocturnal Unrest


Language: German

The performance welcomes everyone, but is primarily aimed at people who identify as Black women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans*, a-gender.

Sponsors and Supporters

Nocturnal Unrest ist eine Kooperation des nOu-Kollektivs und Ladiez e.V. Kulturelle und Politische Bildung für Frauen, des Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, der feministische philosoph_innen Frankfurt und dem Hafen 2 Offenbach.

Gefördert durch Fonds Soziokultur im Rahmen des Programms Neustart Kultur der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, das Goethe Institut, das Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, die Hessische Theaterakademie, Frauenreferat und Stabsstelle Inklusion der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, dem QSL Fonds und dem AStA der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main sowie durch die Crespo Foundation.

More Information


Matti Traußneck is as committed to poetry as she is to theory, to art less than life, to rite more than resolution. Her works do not focus on aesthetics in any specific sense, but as a tightrope walk of the indecent. Otherwise, she is a literature and political science scolar at Philipps University in Marburg, where she teaches and researches on race, capitalism and intersectionality.