
Marcio Abreu / Companhia Brasileira de Teatro

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Marcio Abreu / Companhia Brasileira de Teatro

Not only has black-facing recently spawned a major debate in Germany, but is sadly also an on-going topic in Brazil. Marcio Abreu, considered of the bravest and most gifted playwrights and theatre directors in the country, deals with central issues of everyday racisms along the lines of this discussion together with his Companhia Brasileira de Teatro. Based on Achille Mbembe’s ground-breaking book “Critique of Black Reason” and his thoughts on the history and effects of slavery, the company takes a closer look at the north-south divide and the aftermath of post-colonialism. “Preto” (Black), created during a residency at Mousonturm, interweaves the Brazilian perspective with a global one, theatre with visual arts, philosophy with literature, music with anthropology.

Portuguese with German surtitles * Direction: Marcio Abreu * Cast: Cássia Damasceno, Felipe Soares, Grace Passô, Nadja Naira, Renata Sorrah, Rodrigo Bolzan *Musician: Felipe Storino *
Dramaturgy: Marcio Abreu, Grace Passô, Nadja Naira * Lightening Design and Direction Assistance: Nadja Naira *
Soundtrack and Sound Effects: Felipe Storino * Scenography: Marcelo Alvarenga * Production Direction: José Maria, NIA Teatro * Movement Direction: Marcia Rubin * Costume: Ticiana Passos * Videos: Batman Zavarese and Bruna Lessa * Text Orientation and Vocal Consultancy: Babaya * Vocal and Musical Consultancy: Ernani Maletta * Artistic Collaboration: Aline Villa Real and Leda Maria Martins *
Lightening Assistance and Lightening Operation: Henrique Linhares * Production Assistance and Stagehand: Eloy Machado *
Video Operator: Bruna Lessa and Bruno Carneiro *Executive Production: Caroll Teixeira * Sound Design: Felipe Storino, Bruno dos Reis and Kleber Araújo *
Props, Sculptures: Bruno Dante * Artistic Participation in the Dresden Residence: Danilo Grangheia, Daniel Schauf and Simon Möllendorf * Graphic Project: Fábio Arruda and Rodrigo Bleque, Cubículo *
Photos: Nana Moraes * Production: companhia brasileira de teatro * Coproduction: Petrobras, Sesc São Paulo,  HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main, Théâtre de Choisy-le-Roi – Scène conventionée pour la diversité linguistique * Im Rahmen des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.

