Unattended Volume

Thomas Ankersmit

Unattended Volume

Thomas Ankersmit

Like so many places of cultural life, the Silbergold music club in downtown Frankfurt has been closed since the beginning of the Corona pandemic. Deprived of its function, it has since existed in darkness and silence, far from the public eye. For Tonfunktion, sound artist Thomas Ankersmit makes it his task to revive this abandoned place with its specific sonic characteristics. The functional void, namely the physical experience that visitors have on a regular club night – densely packed bodies, sweat, the bass booming in the pit of your stomach – is filled by Ankersmit with sounds that make use of scientific phenomena such as otoacoustic emissions and other psychoacoustic effects. In the process, the ear and the whole human body become a resonating instrument, and a visit to this acoustic, performerless installation becomes an intense sound and body experience.


Duration: 30 min

Attendance is limited in accordance with Covid-19 pandemic distancing rules and can only be attended with an online ticket. Admission always on the hour for up to four persons, only with a medical mask covering nose and mouth.

Trigger warning: The installation uses extreme frequencies and psychoacoustic effects that can be detrimental to some people’s sense of well-being.

Commissioned work

We require you to provide your contact data (name, address, telephone number and e-mail address) in accordance with the prescribed tracking regulations in case of COVID-19 illness directly at the venue.

All general rules of hygiene and physical distancing must be observed.

You must wear a mask covering your mouth and nose in order to enter the premises! Please disinfect your hands when entering the building.

Always wear a mask covering mouth and nose wherever you are – seats included.

Admission only with valid negative evidence (tested, vaccinated or recovered). If the testhas beenproven, thetest must not be more than 12 hours old.

More information hygiene and safety

Sponsors and Supporters

Composition: Thomas Ankersmit

„Tonfunktion – Festival für Gebrauchsmusik“ ist ein Projekt des Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. Gefördert vom Musikfonds e. V. mit Projektmitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien und durch den Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain. In Kooperation mit MMODEMM, EOS Radio, dem Amt für Kultur- und Sportmanagement der Stadt Offenbach am Main und der OPG Offenbacher Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH.