Konferenz der Abwesenden

Rimini Protokoll (Haug/Kaegi/Wetzel) & Helgard Haug

Konferenz der Abwesenden

Rimini Protokoll (Haug/Kaegi/Wetzel) & Helgard Haug

There is a crisis! And in times of global crisis, global cooperation is key. On behalf of the world, the crisis is handled locally this time: at a conference that no one needs to book a flight or mount a train for. This is a performance to which the invited experts and speakers do not appear physically, but are represented by local people who only receive their script at the beginning of their presentation. In “Conference of the Absent,” the audience observes people from their own city as they take on the identity of an absent conference speaker. Completely without carbon emissions and bad Skype connections, but with all the performative means of the theater, the contradicting contributions on the consequences of globalization will be delivered into the theater space – and settled within it. The advantage of not being there – not having to be everywhere at once – becomes playful interaction that can be experienced afresh every evening. At the center of this game are people who become carriers of ideas. They acquire biographies of experts as well as their thoughts in a ludic fashion. In this way, absence becomes an added value because it creates space for new and unexpected perspectives. Behind the scenes, Rimini Protokoll operate as ghostwriters and speechwriters, co-authors and directors who turn documentary co-authorship into remote directing.


From 14 years
Language: German
Duration: 120 min

Admission ends 10 minutes before the start of the show.

All events will follow a hygiene and safety concept for visitors. Please note the following: Your contact details (name, address, telephone number and e-mail address) will be recorded on location before the event in order to follow-up in case of a COVID-19 infection.
No entry without a medical mouth-nose covering! Disinfect your hands when entering the building or grounds. Wearing a mouth-nose covering is mandatory at all times, included in the seating areas.
Admission is only possible with proof of negative Corona status (tested, vaccinated or recovered). Results of a  test may not be more than 24 hours old at this event.
More information on hygiene and safety

—> Programmheft Staatsschauspiel Dresden (PDF)

Sponsors and Supporters

Konzept, Text, Regie: Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi, Daniel Wetzel
Recherche, Dramaturgie: Imanuel Schipper, Lüder Pit Wilcke
Bühne, Video- und Lichtdesign: Marc Jungreithmeier
Mitarbeit politische-kulturelle Bildung: Dr. Werner Friedrichs
Produktionsleitung: Epona Hamdan
Dramaturgieassistenz: Sebastian Klauke
Regieassistenz: Lisa Homburger
Produktionsmitarbeit: Federico Schwindt

Eine Produktion von Rimini-Apparat in Koproduktion mit Staatsschauspiel Dresden, HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin) und dem Goethe-Institut. Die Konzeption wurde gefördert durch die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.

Gefördert im Rahmen des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien und gefördert durch das Goethe-Institut.