Wo wirst du jetzt gewesen

Aran Kleebaur

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Wo wirst du jetzt gewesen

Aran Kleebaur

The video is available at Vimeo on Demand for 24 hours from time of purchase between 23 – 29.06. Price: € 5.

It’s a week after the so-called riot night of 18 July 2020, the day when the mayor of the Frankfurt Peter Feldmann will make his public appearance in front of the press. In the immediate vicinity Black Lives Matter activists document racist police checkpoints, while simultaneously provoking them. As with so many political interventions in recent years, the drama of these nights is played out as much on screens and news feeds as on the streets: between sweaty asphalt, fire emojis, loudspeaker feedback and spent bandwidth, washed-out pixels and the horror they are meant to express. In his solo performance, Aran Kleebaur uses the events of that week and their medialities to ask how the communication networks of digital interfaces and the forms of physical coming together on streets, squares and in front of the respective screens mutually affect and set each other in motion.


Language: German
Duration: ca 50 min
Digital premiere

It is advisable to listen to the performance with headphones. Sometimes it gets particularly noisy, with very high frequencies.

For the stream on 28. 05. applies

— Ticket sales close at least 1 hour before the start of the digital performance.

—  Access: You will receive the link to the digital event on the ticket PDF. Please call up this URL in your web browser on your internet-capable terminal shortly before the start of the event and enter your personal access code.

— In case of problems with the stream: contact the Mousonturm staff (28. 05., 18-21): +49 (0) 69 405 895-88

23. – 29. 06. The film is made available via Vimeo on Demand. To watch the film, you have to register with Vimeo (simple, free and only once) (Privacy Notice). There is no advance booking, the video is paid for directly before watching the film.


Sponsors and Supporters

Von und mit: Aran Kleebaur

Gefördert durch ein Projektstipendium der Hessischen Kulturstiftung im Rahmen des Kulturpakets „Hessen kulturell neu eröffnen“.